Livelihoods Update: 28 March 2022

MGNREGS has developed a GIS-based Groundwater Intervention Management Plan (GWIMP) for 84 blocks in Madhya Pradesh.…

Livelihoods Update: 11 November 2020

Health certification mandatory for exports of all milk and milk products. Andhra Pradesh government implements free…

Livelihoods Update: 2 July 2020

6 lakh COVID cases in India! 4 police officials charged with murder of the father-son duo…

Livelihoods Update: 1 July 2020

Free food grains to poor under PMGKY till November! Udyam portal for easy registration of new…

Livelihoods Update: 23 June 2020

Fresh locust swarms enter Rajasthan! PM-CARES fund will be used to supply 50000 ventilators to COVID…