Ratan Tata, 87. Many Happy Returns in our thoughts. It appears Aryan invasion and migration theories…
Tag: meditation
Universe’s Intelligence 211224
R Ashwin: Ever evolving. Discovered/invented, pursued, practiced hard. Ending is good. It begins a new good.…
Realizing possibilities 091024
Nobel Prize 2024 in Medicine goes to Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun for ‘the discovery of…
Flowing live rivers 110924
A Harvard DNA expert’s study finds: there was no Aryan invasion or migration; Harappan…
Agency with space 180824
Saradrtu. Sraavana pournami. Yagnasutram. Rakshaabandhan. Rakshikasutra. Raakhi. A band of protection, care, security, well-being.…
Livelihoods Update 12 March 2024
Every day of extreme heat causes poor rural households to lose 2.4% of their on-farm incomes,…
Yogakshemam 150822 Amrit Kaal
Can we see the divine within, without, around, all around? Can we listen to music? Can…
Yogakshemam 140722: Coexistential Stretch
We are now 141 Crore people in India. Presidential campaigns progress. Draupadi is clearly ahead. Vice-Presidential…
Yogakshemam 151121: Aananda
Om | bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ | tat savitur vareṇyaṃ | bhargo devasya dhīmahi | dhiyo yo…