Sukhakarta Duhkhaharta Ganesh Chaturthi. Vinayaka Chavithi. Bhadrapada Shukla Chaturthi. Sraavana Krishna (bahula) Asthami, Rohini Nakshatra is…
Tag: Yogakshemam
Yogakshemam 150822 Amrit Kaal
Can we see the divine within, without, around, all around? Can we listen to music? Can…
Yogakshemam 310722 Ankuraarpana
We are hard-wired for comparison. With others, others’ lives. It is not easy to get over…
Yogakshemam 140722: Coexistential Stretch
We are now 141 Crore people in India. Presidential campaigns progress. Draupadi is clearly ahead. Vice-Presidential…
Yogakshemam 240622 Let us be
The presidential election process progresses. Draupadi Murmu is the candidate from the ruling coalition. Yashwant Sinha…
Yogakshemam 100622 Rewiring in 10,000 hours
Presidential election is announced. This time around, 4809 electors – Members of Parliament and Members of…
Yogakshemam 220522 High energy hours
Do we really want to live long? How long? Can we know how to spend this…
Yogakshemam 150522 Flowing Order
Can we cut/skip processed foods, processed oils, fried foods, added/refined sugars, and sugar replacements? Can we…