L5 Aarambam

Yogakshemam 30102020

The day confirms that the third transition starts. N and U, the masters, confirm. The sankalp for the third transition has been confirmed. The Sristi begins with Anugraga, followed by Sthithi. The next steps, if any, would follow. One Nation One Market is not OK for marginal and small farmers cultivating multiple crops throughout the year. Local short value-chains and direct links with local consumers/consumer groups is the key. Farmer groups, organizations are still to evolve, except a few cases outside of AMUL. Capital, capabilities require time, energy and resource investment. New FPOs, while existing FPOs are not functional enough. FPO definition itself is very limiting wrongly. It is not clear why a farmers’ collective, of any hue, for the benefit of the farmer members is not an FPO. It is also not clear why they can not be provided priority lending support, low interest loans. On the whole, we need to have more deeper thinking, brainstorming and more customized solution portfolios. Soon. The key to Bharat can not be serviced poorly. The key to Life on Planet cannot be serviced poorly. It needs a response as of yesterday. The window of life on the planet can stretch, disappear. Our women and men farmers can have decent incomes and wellbeing. We need to get ready and remain ready for the death. The most certain thing of life. Therefore, we need to hurry up and complete all that the third transition is seeking. Quickly. Let us hasten. Let us invest time, energy, effort, emotions, thoughts. At full throttle. Stretch to the hilt. Innermost leading the stretch. In relationships that take us to mentoring leaders, institutions, partners of significance, relevance, legacy. Let us play the ‘notes’. Let us complete them. Let us initiate the platforms that matter. Let us travel, be with people. Listen to them. Respond to them. Lose ourselves. N 10000 hours begin. Flowing. Through and through. Feeling with all senses, thinking, saying, doing. In tandem. In, on, through, out. Let us get ready for our transformation, disruption. 7L transformation, disruption. N and U are ready. Disruption in the ways we look at, vision life, living, livelihoods, linkages, leading, learning and loving. Integration leads. Knowledge leads. Generalists lead. Local leads. Customization leads. No ownership leads. Experiencing leads. Open-Commons lead. Present leads. Collectivization, complementary and supplementary collectivization, interlinked collectivization leads. One stop multiple goods-services centres, enterprises at local level. Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics lead. Auto-automobiles lead. Solar-electricity leads. N-living leads. N-farming leads. Rural in urban, urban in rural lead. Auto-healthcare leads. If we want. If we offer L5 leadership. We can. If we have fierce resolve. If we have humility. If we seek usefulness for all of us. If we are open, transparent and unlearning. If we seek improving ourselves. If we do not mind taking risks. If we become competent and capable; we work effectively with others; we organize others into teams; we mobilize around shared vision; we are passionate with meaningful useful significant purpose; we have shared purpose and vision; we take responsibility, give credit, seek help, practice discipline, find right people to find their potential. Be sure whether the environment is L5 environment. There is a graduation-continuum: competence, team play, management, leadership, beyond. We have to be at the L5 of this continuum. All of us can be there, if we want. We need N 10000 pitch with us always. Elevator pitch. Crafted. 30 seconds to 180 seconds. 50 to 200 words. With warmth and competence embedded. With scope for ‘play’. Exciting to us ‘first’ and to excite ‘others’. Enthusiasm, smile, heartbeat. Includes Unique Selling Proposition, USP. To be practiced, with awareness. With hope, faith, promise, love, dignity, choice, joy, integrity. Towards integration with and for N and U. We lose ourselves in the flow. This is the aaramba for third life of useful coexistence. For 7L.Joinus in the world of yoga of useful local coexistence in N – tritiyayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar