Yogakshemam 190521: Flow liberates

Flow liberates

Development colleague for more than two decades, with thousands of hour co-working and ‘argumentation’, 53-year young LB Prakash calls it a day. Co-founder Secretary, Akshara Network. 89-90 IRMAN. Cooperation and Microfinance lifeworker. A, worked closely with Ramareddy and Shashi. Substantial time in CARE, APMAS, MISFA and USAID Afghanisthan, PwC BAGRI Project. Succumbs to multiple organ failure and internal bleeding. Sadgati.

Sunil Bansal succumbs to CoVID. CEO, Patanjali Dairy. 89-91 IRMAN. I just saw an old photograph – he with Modi, Kurien. Sadgati.

Debjeet Sarangi, Sadgati. Ashoka Fellow, Co-founder, Living Farms. Works on Tribal ways of life, living, working. Cultivation and collection. Diversity and Local systems, practices, culture. Community-centric. Shared resources. Safety nets. Resilience to uncertainties.

CoVID wave 2 is troubling. Our medical infrastructure is yielding. Prices and costs are high. ‘Black’ is happening in a big way. Some Governments have fixed rates for hospital services. Kerala has fixed rates for essential medical items like masks, gloves, sanitizers etc. Curfews, lockdowns are in place. Norms are being tried, not so successfully. Friends, colleagues, relations are giving up the fight. We are not even mourning adequately. The emotional scars will take long time to heal. The wave is tapering down. May take a month or so to subside. But, wave 3, it appears, on its way. Vaccines are still taking longer to reach all. May be 8-9 months more.

Let us cut refined sugar out of our lives, as much as possible. It improves health and skin. Let us go for natural sugars including coconut, dates, honey etc.

Ramarao introduces ‘writing documents’, an authoritative document. Put the author’s name and date/time. Start with an appropriate name and an outline – Abstract, Purpose and Scope. Introduction, Main, Conclusion. Headers, Expanded headers, a few lines under the sub-headers. Agree on a format, preferably open formats, amenable to cross platform tools. Say what we are going to say first, then say, them tell what we said. Be concise. Be brief. Use active verb. Be progressive in expanding the idea. Use bullets and lists liberally. Use bold and italics. Add examples and evidence.

Bill and Melinda Gates give up staying together. They filed for divorce. They promise to work together on the BMG Foundation. We make money by fixing MRP far higher than the costs we incur. Otherwise, how can we become the richest? And a part of the surplus so generated is given as philanthropic charity. And we become the largest charity. And we get to control if we structure the foundation right. Of course, the entire charity funds are no where near what governments spend. The key is they fund with extraordinary discretion. In the Governments, it is more as an entitlement in some sense. It is possible, to converge charity funds and create impact(s) that can be comparable or more than governments, in select areas o work, activities, sub-components.

Natural Farming 2030/5. By 2025, we need to be moving on many of these – NF Foundation; 2 million champion farmers; 200,000 EYPs; 20,000 NFFs/NFAs; 2,000 YPs; NF Literature – stories, songs, case studies, conversations, Kits, Handbooks, PoPs, Videos, Pictures, Short Messages; NF Channel(s); NF Press/Media; NF Digital Platform(s); NF Amrit(s); NF Collectives, Enterprises, Entrepreneurs, Service Providers; NF Consumers; NF Research-Knowledge-Learning Centre(s); NF Advocacy; NF Institute(s); NF Curriculums – Schools, STEM, Leadership and Management Schools; NF Friends across; NF Volunteers; NF Budgets, Funds.

We discover that most things are related. Inner-related. Our moods affect our breathing and vice-versa. The chemicals in our brain and DNA shape our thoughts. Our thought patterns can physically change the brain and DNA. Our thinking and moods are affected by the music we hear, pictures we see, movies we watch, books we read, media we get exposed to, environment in which we live, food we eat and people we interact. Thus, our consciousness gets influenced by many things as above. Our minds are volatile. Our will power is fragile. Our worlds are distracting us. Then, how do we persevere? How do we have tenacity? How do we have self-control? How do we remain committed and continue to pursue? How do we positively stubborn? How do we honour our vision, our word? Can we pursue our important commitments, made to ourselves and the universe? Come what may. Can we invest enough time, energy, attention and resources for these?

Basava reminds: Kayakeva Kailasha – work in itself is liberation. Can we have self-discipline? Mindful. Aware. It helps in health, wellbeing, learning, relationships, aspirations etc. It can take us to our highest potential. Universe’s highest potential.

Yes, we can. If we coexist in N, relating with ‘life’, non-life and flowing. For 7L.
Join us in the world of yoga of relentless flow of useful coexistence – kshamatagatiyoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar