Yogakshemam 150522 Flowing Order

Congratulations. Indian Men’s Badminton Team Makes History With First-Ever Gold in Thomas Cup. The team beat 14-time champions and holders in Indonesia. 

Ranil Wickremesinghe becomes Prime Minister in Sri Lanka. What next? Can we learn to be ‘less consumerist’? Can we get out of subsidies? Can we live in a culture without subsidies? Except, of course, education and basic health. Can we defeat poverty, rather than adjust to it? 

Are we learning something from this?

A new Chief Minister in Tripura. Maink Saha replaces Biplab Dev. Getting ready for the 2023 elections?

Congress is also getting ready. All political parties are getting ready. India is getting ready. 2023 semifinals. 2024 finals. Maybe some advancement is possible.

Chintan shibir, Reflection and strategy conclave, at Udaipur is one of them. Strategies are fine. Will they become actions? One family, one ticket? 50% leadership below 50 years? One-person one-post? Padayatras connecting with people? Public insight committee, training institute, election management committee? Ready Rahul Gandhi? Ready leaders to fight?

Severe heatwave and peak temperatures all around India. Crossed 49 deg C. It is an ‘orange’ alert to avoid heat exposure, cover your head, stay indoors, and take plenty of water/fluids.

Buddha Purnima. Let us reflect, meditate and know the truth. Let us be Samanas. Let us be nobody. Let us conquer the world by inclusion. Let us plan. Let us travel. Let us search with a clean slate. Let us be together. Silent interaction goes on. Let us drop ‘self’ – the bundle of thoughts, emotions, ideas, opinions and beliefs. Let us not stay anywhere long. Let us keep moving on the path. Let us move towards becoming Buddha. Buddham Saranam Gachchaami. Dharmam Saranam Gachchaami. Sangham Saranam Gachchaami. 

Let us awaken and be released. Let us live. Let us co-exist. Let us have sama Drishti, understanding; sankalpa, aspiration; vaacha, speech; pravarthana, conduct; aajiva, livelihood; vayama, effort; sati, mindfulness; and samadhi, concentration towards a higher state of consciousness.

Can we cut/skip processed foods, processed oils, fried foods, added/refined sugars, and sugar replacements? Can we increase probiotics like yogurts, prebiotics like beans-bananas, low/medium GI foods, healthy fats like nuts, fish, vitamins (B1, 6, 9, 12, A, C), minerals, micro-nutrients, spices like turmeric, and herbs?

When are we going to Kailash-Manasarovar? Can we touch Kailash? Can we embrace all existence, and celebrate life? Can we encourage questioning and make it clear that we all are seeking? Can we let all join in seeking and exploring? Can we take clear sides with the vulnerable and marginalized and seek justice? Can we work for Antyodaya, Sarvodaya? Can we accept what we are, as a core of the core? Can we work smoothly and effortlessly with all those we co-exist with, even if we do not accept them fully? Can we deposit our time, energy, effort, and emotions even if we do not withdraw now, or later? Can we recognize our advisors and be with them? Can we serve as advisors to the one who seeks, who needs truly? Can we reflect on our relationship spectrum, identify the relationship modes and relate accordingly? Can we reflect – on where are we in life? What/what variety do we need? What do we have? What do we need to do? Can we do this better, more efficiently, more effectively, faster, hearts full? Can we give the most to our co-travellers? Co-life?

Yes, we can. New 10,000 hours can take all these along. Co-travel. Co-existence. In nature. In conversations within and without. If we start now. If we let go. If we practice/rehearse. In the flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of sankalp towards useful coexistence and co-action – ayuthayoga for 7L.