Yogakshemam 19 February 2024_Exist in Coexistence

BJP seems to be there for the next 5 years. INDIA may become slightly stronger. South India may go alternative way(s), overall. Rama comes in. Siva is on its way. Krsna is reached in the water, and is surfacing now. Can we vote? Can we seek voters to vote? Can we ask eligible citizens to become voters? Can we ask leaders to tell us what they want to do for us?

NMNF is still finding its way in. PMPRANAM may become reality soon. NF is seeping into political manifestos. To support a majority of households. For these families, farming is a part of the portfolio of livelihoods. Five years ago, 85% earn less than Rs.10,000 per month from farming. 65% earn less than Rs.10,000 per month from all sources. Now, this Rs.10,000 might have become Rs.20,000. Do we get a national policy? State policies? Do we see committed budgets? Do Bharat Organics, AMUL scale? Will the Civil Society rise to it? Communities? Women?

Farmers are protesting for Minimum Support Prices. Debate has moved further from why to how and when.  Higher rate – 50% more than cost of cultivation. Wider scope – more produce, fruits, dairy, poultry et al. Binding commitment. State procurement is not the issue. PDS can be expanded. Market intervention can be taken up. Deficit payments can be made.

AMUL-GCMMF is celebrating Golden Jubilee on 22 Feb. Prime Minister would grace the occasion, to see the fruition of Dr Kurien’s vision. Will this take him to Bharat Ratna? Will AMUL become the largest brand in the world? Still being true to cooperative principles and farmer-centricity.

Guru Vandana of my childhood teachers in February. Can we have this again in September/October? Can we add all our Gurus to this? Gurukulams. Residential learning centers. My Universities.

Can we articulate, acknowledge, and be genuine, truthful about emotions, deep feelings, fears, unhappiness, vulnerabilities, struggles, and strengths? Away from fake, deep fake. Towards lightness, humanity, relations, solidarity, leadership emerging. Balance matters.

Can we be alone when required? Can we be in the team(s)? Can we lead the team(s)? Can we alternate, as required? Can we work with teams of teams? Can we work with paid, upaid community, professional resources? Can we work across themes? across geographies? across layers? Can we talk less? Can we inspire ourselves? Can we motivate ourselves? Can we motivate our coexisters, and coworkers?

Can we coexist in nature, in the universe? With our entirety. With all our senses. Sixth sense and seventh sense included. With sarvendriyas, heart, mind and soul. We see, observe. We hear, listen. Songs, talks, whispers, tunes, hummings, trickles, roars. We smell. We talk, whisper, sing, dance, play, colour, draw, paint. Strings, reeds, percussion. We read, write, do arithmetic, reflect, meditate, think, practice, pursue. Sleep, walk, walk around, drink, fast, go silent. We cry. Tears of sorrow, joy. We walk – hand-in-hand, run, travel, go around, swim, work. We touch, caress, care, feel, experience every inch, every cell. We drink, eat, share. We share what we know, and what we have. Our lives, ourselves. Nurture ourselves. Transparent, we drop guard, surrender, shake-hold hands, hug. Give in, take in, love, heal, lead, be led, become one, remain one, for existing and changing in coexistence towards light, truth, and amrutam. Can we? And can we be grateful for all the 7L including life, love, we receive in coexistence? Can we repay, payback? With all the love we can possibly give. Can we be kind to all co-existence? Maybe this is the only thing that matters in the end. Seriously?

Yes, we can. With practice, we can build our agency. Our creative energies turn towards usefulness. Strategically. For changing ourselves, and our ecosystems, on scale. In the flow of N. For 7L.

Join us in the yoga of coexistence with life in nature – Sahayoga for 7L.