Call after call 240224

While we seem to be heading towards elections at all levels (Parliament, Assemblies, Local Bodies) in one round, this may take some time, some amendments in the Constitution and some adjustments over the next 5-10 years. We need to agree for shorter/longer Government tenures. We need to have provisions for all party governments, or interim governments till the next elections. Still we would have cooperatives, unions, associations, networks not joining this.  Are we doing right, or are we being taken up the garden path? Only thing we know, learnt from our Gurus a la Gandhi, Dr Kurien, et al, if democracy fails, falters, we need more of it, in more ways.

The crunch has come, the crunch is coming. When it is crunch time, what matters is air, water, food, nutrition, clothes, shelter, health, entertainment and support education. Crunch time paradigm is natural living, farming. It is a complete paradigm around sun-microbes-plants in the centre, using less water. Away from synthetic chemicals. Away from processed foods, synthetic foods. For healing, cooling, caring for humans, animal-plant, soil and planet health. With fair share in the value-chains and eco-credits. Will we, can we, as consumers demand ‘natural’ and will we as producers deliver ‘natural’? By less tillage; by nature’s own recycling; by green cover 365 days through diverse multi-layered multiple crops; by building-sustaining microbial communities; with no synthetic chemicals; by integrating ‘life’ into farming; by going beyond private.

Do we have to live with wrong harmful subsidies, and 500+ Billion USD? How do we reduce fraction by fraction? Do we add positive subsidies? Will it work? Can we build consensus?  Then, can we have more budget? Can we have policies? Can we have changed curriculums at school, college, farm-business-management-leadership schools? Can we reach by blanket approach?

We were/have been/are entrepreneurs, enterprise owners essentially. For ages. By default. Even if we farm, weave, craft, herd cattle, run shops, provide services. Even if we have a portfolio of activities, individually or in the family, or in a group. ‘Time’ has made us less, maybe near zero, as entrepreneurs, less as enterprise owners, and made us more impoverished, dependent on subsidies. Can we reverse this? Of course. Why not? Can we fight these ‘fish’ giving Gods, and go with the ‘fishing’ trainer tutors, go more with the ‘meta-fishing’ interpreter acharyas? Can we go with the Gurus – who take us through giving ‘fish’, giving ‘fishing’ skills, offering ‘meta-fishing’ context to choose to-be-learnt knowledge-skills-resources by ourselves, and directing to ‘liberation’ all combined? Shouldn’t we go with these Gurus? Can we see them as Gurus in the first place? Before we miss them. And can we give them the agency to be there? The space. The willingness. Ability they already have. And, can we become these?

We are in politics of existence and work. Do we get into public politics? Can we? Should we? Should we be influencers, advocates, campaigners, watchdogs, RTI applicants, feedback providers, etc., on representatives, on organizations, departments, ministries, law makers, law executives and justice deliverers? Isn’t it unusually large, and parallel? Are there not enough checks and balances within? Back. Will democratic process platforms work? Transparent, and accountable. Will they be the new tyrants? Again, are we back to champions? Champions of support for democratic processes, institutions, collectives of communities and civil society organizations. Can we work with them? Can we support them? Can we be them? Can we work from within? The highest calling. The road less travelled. Integrating governance, market, community, from within. Samaaj, baazaar, sarkaar, inclusive, vibrant. Can we have the mentor(s)? Can we be the mentor(s)? Integrating Mentor(s)? Generalist. Krsna, the charioteer. The flute player.

Can we prepare and be ready, fit and healthy, for this calling? 10,000 steps a day is not enough to be healthy. Stress free, body movements, sleep, rest, water, diet, entertainment, and friends – may mean healthy. Purpose, Social interactions, alertness, joy, weaving other ‘small works’ may help. Irritability, and fatigue may hinder. 

Yes, we can. We are already there. With practice, with better finesse on deploying our creative energies strategically. For change within and without, systemwide, on scale. In the flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of inner calling for coexistence in nature – krsnakrsnayoga for 7L.

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