Enterprising freedom 140324

Now illegal Electoral Bond details are in the public domain. Does it have any effect on election results? CAAA for non-muslim refugee migrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan getting citizenship in India. Is it only fast-tracking, or something discriminatory here? Will it matter to voters anywhere?  

Elections notification would be on 16 March: elections in April-May for Lok Sabha and 4 Assemblies. In 7 phases, and for 97 Crore voters. World’s biggest election exercise. Model code of conduct with the notification till the elections end. Will we have better governance after the elections in our country, and our states? 

Will Narendra Modi become the Prime Minister third time? Who will follow suit after he crosses 75? Will Naveen Patnaik become the longest serving Chief Minister in India?

Top 2000 companies in the world take work from 70 million people. Interestingly, two in five CEOs struggle within 18 months. One in three CEOs leaves in three years. Majority CEOs learn on the job. CEO or chief’s critical roles include: setting the direction; aligning the organization; mobilizing the team to deliver; working with board; connecting with key stakeholders; and managing personal effectiveness-efficiency. The best chiefs are bold, keep thinking of the next steps for better tomorrow with a simpler but exciting vision; the best are seeking rigour and discipline even in the soft – culture, talent, people et al; the best are on dynamics of the team, rather than the mechanics – actions rather than the formal processes; the best are trying to help the board to help the organization; the best are thinking about the motivations of the stakeholders; and the best are focused on doing the best with the capabilities one has, rather than getting spread thin. Can we be the chiefs? Founder chiefs? Portfolio chiefs? Not-for-profit chiefs? Public organization chiefs? Can we be the best? Can we listen to our teams and others around us? Can we cope with the emerging pace? Decision-making. Can we cope with the new trends – sustainability, diversity, equity, inclusion et al? Can we cope with increased engagement, may be up to a third of the time, with the stakeholders of various hues? Can we cope with being brief, very brief but effective, elegant, and simple? Elegantly simple? Can we be responsive, and proactive? Can we have and offer flexi-hours, hybridwork ethos – managing, leading and practice hand-in-hand?

Can we see millions of people trapped in their lands, ecosystems, communities, and social groups? Denied justice that they deserve. Can we see intricate inextricable relationships among social, economic and ecological justices? Private rights and rights over commons? Local nutrition, fairshare in consumer rupee, fair payments for ecological services? Equity? Inclusion? Sustainability? Legacy to NextGen? Ecologically fragile and marginalized zones? Tribal areas? Rural hinterlands? Dense urban centres? Air, water, food, shelter, energy, and climate? Literacy, health, justice. Communities-in-charge? Ownership, Leadership, Institutions, Animators, Facilitators, Communitization, Agency, and Systems change. Can we be with ourselves? Within, and without. 

How do we improve our schools? Teachers, and Curriculums apart. Thermal, visual and acoustic comfort. Air, water, food, and hygiene. Ease of use. Eco-friendly. Energy self-sufficiency. How do we improve our villages? Our habitats? Can we? Can we do an Ashram – a Gurukulam, a school, a tuition centre, an academy, a leadership institute, or a university? Can we run a Kalanetha, a boutique of various weaves, crafts? A Natural, of foods? An Aksharam – a book house, a stationary store, and a publishing house? Can we move into ‘freedom’ as an independent researcher, surveyor, documenter, reporter, journalist, designer, tailor, tutor, volunteer teacher, counsellor, guide, mentor, guru, ‘purohit’, story teller, meditator, silent observer, letter writer, writer, blogger, local entrepreneur, cooperator, local representative, extension worker, and lifeworker?  Can we be free?  

Yes, we can. If we want to be free. Go to N. Go to people. Be there. In the flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of back to nature – laahiriyoga for 7L.



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