Flowing in the now 170324


2024 Elections notified. 4 June is the day of results. Results seem almost clear? The focus should be towards 2029 and beyond. 2029 election and thereafter may be Jamili elections. Ram Nath Kovind Committee unanimously recommended Lok Sabha, Assembly elections together, followed by local government (bodies) elections within 3 months. This will be like the scenario in the first 20 years of our Republic. Implementing this recommendation may require a Constitutional Amendment. In any case, let us get ready. It is our time, isn’t it? 

Chemicals decrease/take away the taste quality too. 

Local Natural Farming and Food Systems guarantee nutrition security, quality food and local jobs, apart from resilience of the community, and climate. Fairshare in consumer rupee, living wages and incomes, ecosystem service credits and guarantee quality of life, well-being to farmer and farmworker families. Community engagement becomes deeper and takes charge, with its enhanced agency for the smallholder families. Starting with women, we start gaining agency on our bodies, foods, families, farms, livelihoods, knowledge, groups, teams, institutions, relationships, villages, markets, governments, systems, cultures, futures, and destinies. Inclusion, equity, and justice. Climate change resilience, and coping. Postponement of extinction of the civilization by 2-3 generations, if not more.  

Aren’t we more artificial and less natural? Making more and more tools and instruments. Will the AI worsen this? How do we see the intersection of AI, mimicking our minds, and virtual reality, mimicking the world? Does it lead to human life immersed in human creation? Or is it just a bubble, a series of bubbles? Are we living in and continuing to live in artificiality(ies), and increasing day-by-day in our fabric of life, living et al? Isn’t it augmenting our mental abilities? Are we not surrendering, transferring our creative abilities to the machines, to a significant extent? Are we losing originalities, and having unusual, may be uncomfortable,  standardization(s) in what we ‘consume’? Are we living in our thrisankus? Are we increasing new and more inequities? Can we retain our humanness, amidst all these?

For strong leaders-in-charge for a long time, data that reaches is biased increasingly. They believe that their actions are in the best interests of the people they lead or serve. They think they behave rational, but with biased data. Fully rational decisions one-by-one take to dynamic inconsistencies over time, cumulatively speaking. Can we think of limited tenures, change of places, organizations, agenda after a critical, and optimal tenure? Say 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, or 15 years.

Coexist, we must. Kindness, and consideration? Time together? Trust, intimate, and open? Support? Listening actively? In ‘touch’ of multiple dimensions? Co-plans? Celebrations? Availability? We, you and me, are one. 

If we know ourselves, we can care for our resilient, balanced, spiritual and mental well-being and landscape, beyond the physical. What are we thinking, what are we feeling, where are we getting stuck in thoughts, where are we rigid, how are we making a difference to ourselves – seeking internal responses to these is the way to know ourselves. Can we go deeper, rather than suppressing? In our inward reflections. Can we make space for negative emotions? Can we take a solving approach rather than avoiding? Can we embrace failing, struggling, and making mistakes? Can we break away from recurring rumination? Can we assure ourselves of hope, faith, and inherent navigation abilities? Can we try self-care and well-being practice including therapies? Can we?

Yes, we can. If we coexist. We are free together, in action, devotion, and knowledge. In the flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of yoga in nature – raadhikakrsnayoga for 7L.

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