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It is not fine to believe all data we receive as facts. It is important we check facts. Fact checking matters and helps. Quick reactions without checking would not help. This should be supplemented with thinking fast and thinking slow on the checked reality, data, information, patterns, trends, correlations, possibilities, options and choices.

Nirmala Seetharaman says she cannot contest because she does not have funds for the same. Is she confirming poor cannot contest? Surely, most of us cannot think of contesting.

Will dashboards help us to achieve our ends, and goals? What about actions, processes, and efforts? Governance, Integrity, Committed time, and energy resources?

Who approaches whom? Social enterprises, non-profits, and community collectives to financiers, schemes, philanthropies, or financiers, schemes, philanthropies to social enterprises, non-profits, and community collectives? Are we realizing the dreams of resource providers? Or are we seeking resources for our activities? Or is it a hybrid, mapping each other? Isn’t this more like it?

We may communicate, send text-picture-video, say-talk-express. Do we connect, engage, and converse? With the relevant? Meaningfully, and satisfactorily? Technology notwithstanding. This is our biological need, syncing breathing patterns, heart rates, neural entrainment et al. Can we super-communicate? Being authentic, listening more, asking more curious nudging questions, deep questions, transcending into feelings and thinking. In the bucket of conversation – emotional, transactional, or social. Our tone communicates our emotions, may not be consciously. Our body communicates. Our postures, gestures, looks, and breath communicate. Our heart, and mind communicate. Our brains are hardwired for super-communication. We just need a little practice every day over several days. 1000 days? Can we practise conversations, and super-communication conversations?

Being positive is fine. Unrealistic, and false optimism is not fine. Regardless of evidence, loud-clear warnings, and logic. We need to be careful about cognitive distortions. We need to be careful about ‘being hopeful’ when the possibilities are bleak. Near impossible. At least we need to have a straw to latch on to. A reason to exist, hope, put faith, offer promise, and learn-earn-give-love. To coexist. Let us visualize our ends with current realities in the background, ladders appreciated, snakes taken note of. Can we set our results and timelines accordingly? Without compromises. In rigour, quality, and ethical fibre. Can we be optimistically conservative, and conservatively optimistic? We promise. Can we promise less and deliver more? Can we hurry up slowly to restructure, reorganize ourselves, our teams, our organizations, nudge by nudge? Can we acknowledge and get ready for potential, unforeseen risks, hurdles, constraints, and failures? Can we unlearn and learn? Can we move towards greater well-being?

Why are we surviving as a species? Intellectual, emotional, and spiritual capacity. Definitely not just because of our physical capacity. Women have more emotional, and psychological stamina. Superior and more sophisticated. With multidexterity. With higher ability to make difficult decisions. With higher human need sensitivity, human nature understanding and innate intuitional senses. Yes, every person has two sides – masculine, and feminine. In a man, masculine is dominant, and in a woman, it is the feminine. Feminine resides in man; and masculine resides in woman. Can we harness feminine in us, masculine in us, and in a blended way? Can we remain, become nurturers, preservers, and destroyers? Can we analyze, synthesize, and bring synergies? Can we extract to nurture? Can we nurture the handover better?

Yes, we can. If we coexist, converse flowing in nature. In the flow of N. In yogayoga for 7L.


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