Strategic instinct 210424


22 April: World Earth Day. Dhaatri Dinotsav.

3 types/levels of biodiversity include: genetic, species and ecosystem. Plant genetic diversity has decreased by 75%. Local varieties have been lost badly. Species-rich habitats are more adaptable, more productive, more resistant to erosion, and have longer growing seasons. Arguably, we are facing a mass-extinction time. The danger of failing food systems is imminent. A local area’s multiple micro ecosystems are coming down drastically. Reversing biodiversity failure leads to diverse macro-micro nutritious foods.

Ecosystem Carbon Credits have to accrue to farmers. Their value needs to be commensurate with the service provided by the farm families. Through Verra standards, Gold standards or the emerging standards in India. 1500-2500 INR/ha at current level is far below the level at which they have to be pegged. Maybe 10 times this is better. VM0042 – for agriculture – is the relevant methodology under Verra. Without yield penalties, reduction in GreenHouse Gases emissions, carbon sequestration, reduced fertilizer usage, zero/minimal tillage, and reduced water use, contribute to farming CO2e. Prevention of crop residue burning helps. One ton CO2e is one carbon credit. 4-10 Credits are easily possible per ha., in a 365-day green cover multi-layered multiple cropping. With trees and animals incorporated, this could go up further. If we can get 50% of this amount, we can advance NF faster, more viral. If something is legally banned, or something has already become a common practice, this cannot attract carbon farming under VM0042. Are they saying as NF gets adopted by 20-30% or more, NF cannot attract carbon farming? Do certain practices go out of carbon farming? Are they saying tribal and dryland areas may not attract carbon farming to its full potential as they are low-intensity agriculture already? Remote sensing satellite data helps. It is possible to have variations in local areas. Going for small area projects may be more remunerative to farmers.

Are we saying Carbon Credits are not long-term revenue sources for farmers under the current standards?

Poor, vulnerable, and marginalized (PVM) now, and in future, should also live, work, study, and play with basic facilities and in a healthy environment. Climate crises notwithstanding. Climate justice fights with hope, faith, promise, love, and coexistence, offering resilience, living, life, and future for PVM. This includes just transitions – with a better planet for the NextGen; fair, inclusive for the current PVM; with decent work spaces for all. Most developed countries have to bring down their per capita emissions in a big way. India may try not to increase its emissions. Offsets outside, greenwashing is not OK. Luxury emissions have to go, or at least come down. Survival emissions is another matter.

We may miss competent, and talented people. We can not miss idiocy, mediocrity and toxicity. Can we stop the forward march of the wrong people? Can we retain the trust and morale of the right and neutral? Can we stop these unnecessary triggers of frustration? Can we stop losing trusted teams, and right talents? More results do not come from more efforts of the same kind. Can we add more sastra in our armoury? Can we continue to practise, but with an increasing portfolio? Can we be strategic and have exposure to a variety of situations, functions, levels, people, and tests? Can we demonstrate that we are strategic – idea, conversion, proactive, drive, and stamina? Can we show the progress on the roadmap towards vision, system, approach and ends? In data, and processes. In our being. In our hearts, minds, and souls. In our celebrations. Can we?   

Can we identify the concerned, and relevant influencers? To them, can we pitch? Tell a story or stories that answer all Ws and H – Who, What, Where, When, Why and How? With data crisp and concise. Can we?

Yes, we can. If we keep flowing to stay afloat and survive in N? In the flow of N. In urvimitrayoga for 7L.