Yogakshemam 290921: In the journeys

In the journeys

Hyderabad Literary Fest and Manthan Samvad’s Ajay Gandhi rests. Sadgati. We miss him dearly. As a tribute, My friend, Vikram, co-founder would have the courage and stamina to carry on Manthan, attracting intellectual discourses in Hyderabad.

Engendering Kamla Bhasin rests. Sadgati.

Legend, our RECW/NITW Principal, Dr K Koteswara Rao rests. Sadgati. We continue to live you, sir.

It is established that women live longer than men by 5-10 years. What are its implications? GoI has now initiated forming elders groups (elders for elders, may be mixed women and men) in NRLM in a big way.

After one year of its founding, NCNF reorganization goes full-steam. Mihir Shah will chair the steering committee and Jagadeesh to seek accountability of Secretariate. A Strategic Engagement/Implementation Group is emerging. Core Team and partners from its base.

Indo-German Global Centre for Agroecology Research and Learning, IGGCA, plan/proposal is appraised, awaiting approval and roll-out from April 2022.

Vasu: ‘It is not clear AI kills jobs in total. Musk and Mark Z are on opposite sides on this topic. It could be another technology that enhances productivity but has unintended consequences. Here in the west, the discussion has been about AI reinforcing discriminations in the society and increasing the divides.’

Artificial Intelligence is sweeping in. It includes machine learning, natural language processing, big data analytics, algorithms, and much more. It appears that AI disproportionately affects rights of vulnerable individuals and groups through augmented discrimination. AI may reduce employment significantly at various levels. AI may trigger profits without jobs. Unregulated use is the way now for AI. Can this change, with a clear human bias? Otherwise we would be slowly taken to ‘Big Boss’ or to ‘1984’. Are we heading towards another divide – AI divide? Can we launch universal AI literacy programs, soon? We may try and succeed in avoiding intentional discrimination. What about unintentional? How do we discover in the first place? We know that AI, if deployed thoughtfully, technology can be a powerful force for good. If used without care, it can be cruel, dangerous, fatal etc.

Drones can also threaten our lives, our security. Drone strikes have become commonplace. Drone deliveries can be fatal. Their arbitrary use is very likely. With the leaps we make in technology, we also need to make leaps in our protective systems, our justice and our laws.

How is our language? Can our language have less of avoidable ugliness? Can we have less of stale imageries? Can we be more precise and simple? Can we be less vague? Can we use less meaningless words, just to fill-up? Therefore, can we write/speak simple – with no commonplace metaphors; with short and less words; in active voice; in local/everyday phrases? Let us be simple. Clearly. Also, can we avoid saying, we are smart; needless to say; no offence, but; we can’t do this; not our fault; not fair; we don’t care; you look … ; etc.

Women, or for that matter, any group (tribals, Dalits, Disabled…) is not homogenous. Hierarchies exist within. These need to be appreciated and taken into account while designing, planning, supporting, monitoring, tracking and assessing. How do we keep the ‘last’ in the reckoning?

We need to slow down if we are missing meaningful sensations. We need to journey within. The infinite vastness outside is all within too and as awareness expands, we become one with the universe. Do we have the courage for this? When we seek results in future and sacrifice the present for the same, we become slaves of these. In stead, can we seek the journey)s? Journeys always remain in the present. We keep journeying. Can we?

Can we go on with Notes, Flows, Conversations, Cohorts? Can we pool up and pass on ‘insights’? Can we read 100+ books a year? Can we be with nature and people 100+ days a year? Can we ‘walk’ around? Can we write (text, diagrams, pictures, videos) often, daily? Million words? Every year, can we listen to 100+ individuals making a difference a year? 100+ entities? Can we be useful?

Yes, we can. If we persist with practice. If we keep simply flowing, not rushing, with N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of journeying at freewill for useful coexistence – prasthaanayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar