Attention magic 100424

First phase General Elections are immediately after Sri Ramanavami. Results of all phases will be on 4 June.

Agency of women is not independent of the agency of farmers. In identity, solidarity, knowledge, well-being, food, farm, bazaar, and sarkaar. For fair share, and equity.

All or most women go through menopause, maybe at 45-50. Many men go through a progressive andropause during 40-70. Declining testosterone levels and libido, losing muscle mass, acquiring fat and weight, stiffness, greying hair, fatigue and low energy levels, increasing difficulty in focusing, irritability, and itching. It is useful to increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, dairy items, eggs, fish, and meat. Exercise, cycling, walking, and sleeping. Meditation, Conversations. Intimacy.

Small habits, consistent and persistent, lead to big results over time. Can we add a habit – complementary – to the existing habit, can we pair habits? Can we add cues and triggers for new desired habits to force ourselves into them? Can we make these new habits attractive? Can we tell all that we are getting into these habits? Can we nudge ourselves into systems of new and additional habits we desire?

Can we get rid of our toxicities, and toxic associates? Toxic associates destroy our progress towards results, systems and culture. No mercy here, please. We cannot wait and watch toxicity spreading. Long ropes are not for toxicities. Persons with zero evidence, not involved seriously in the present, outdated-muddled opinions, vindictive, parrots, data only et al are all can be toxic. We need to be careful and cautious. If established as toxic, we need to show them the door or we need to find one and go. There is no reason for us to get stressed. We can then easily manage our journey of anxieties, anxious thoughts and emotions. Can we? 

We live, on an average, 1000 moons. 4000 weeks. Can we go the happiness way – satisfied, connected with purpose, grateful for the life we have and lives we are in touch – at least after we exhaust 75% of them? Can we be usefully joyous? Can we watch and live nature, nature’s daily wonders and magic? Can we be with children, music, songs, dances, pictures, stories, arts-crafts, and books? Can we converse with our souls? Can we slow down? Can we really make choices?

Are we leaders, servants or leaders? Are we useful? Are we empathetic in the present, listening without assuming? Are we meeting and connecting one-on-one? Can we embrace and pursue changes? Can we mentor others? Can we entertain and harmonize diversity, diverse thoughts, actions, diverse backgrounds, and age groups?

Are we having stamina, energy, time for life, and living life fully usefully? Enthusiasm, charm, drive, grace, infectious hope, and faith. Can we care for ourselves for this? Can we stay engaged passionately? Can we have an energetic and intelligent company? Can we be grateful every day, and every moment? Can we be the inspiration, motivation, and attention magic? 1000 billion dollar per year advertisements seek our attention, in the age of decreasing attention spans. Currently, it is 6-7 seconds. And many of us try to keep switching our attention, focusing. Attention deficits cause loss in critical thinking and learning. Meditation, Practising passionate action with detached concentration, reduced switching between tasks during agreed slots/packets of time and energy, at least for deep work, digital-distraction minimalism, and co-working relationships help. Can we do it? Practice? Can we?

Yes, we can. If we coexist, flowing together usefully in nature. In the flow of N. In avadhaanayoga for 7L.


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