Livelihoods Update: 31 October 2022

FIFA, Education Ministry & AIFF collaborate for the ‘Football for Schools’ program to train 2.5 crore…

Livelihoods Update: 11 July 2022

In spite of incentives, Punjab sees only 6% of the planned area covered under the DSR…

Livelihoods Update: 5 May 2022

About 193 million people and 53 countries faced acute food insecurity in 2021, a 40 million…

Livelihoods Update: 23 May 2020

PM Modi announces Rs. 1000 crore to West Bengal and Rs. 500 crore to Odisha. Government…

Livelihoods Update: 13 May 2020

Livelihoods Update: 12 May 2020

Prime Minister Modi to address nation at 8:00 p.m.! ICMR to do district level survey for…